Well Hello!
We’d like to invite you to contribute an artwork, a piece of writing, a spoken piece or anything else you fancy that responds to the idea of KIOSK.
The KIOSK Project is a social art project on collaborative working with children. KIOSK provides you with a place to pick up something to sustain you as you go about changing the world in your way. We admire your creativity and would love to have something of yours in the kiosk.
Make it light and immediate, maybe something you’ve never tried before. You don’t have to submit in your own name. Work by the kids is positively encouraged. Since you’re passing, drop something off which will provide the next visitor with something to think about, something to make them smile or something to spark up a discussion.
Let’s talk for a minute about what nourishes you, show us your high art, low art, design, cutting out, performance, poetry and doodles. It’s our remote trading post, we look forward to running into you there.
What are you sending? Who made it? Would you like it to go somewhere specific in the kiosk? (gossip, supplies or mail)
I/we …………………………….. have made a …………………………………. For the kiosk’s ……………………………
Your contributions will be featured on the mamhouss.com website and our Instagram. #mamhouss #mamhouss1 #kiosk #remotetradingpost If you’d like to join in please send your digital file (image, video, text) including the details below to mamhouss1@gmail.com and we’ll let you know when it’s been added to the KIOSK.